How we came together…Miri and CJ met at a women’s networking event and soon found they shared many common values… Empowering Your Worth was born!
CJ DeMarco
My role as a therapist is the latest incarnation on my journey. While raising my children, I taught childbirth education classes and supported laboring and breastfeeding mothers, worked in the medical and wellness fields, and was an elementary school teacher. During my years of teaching, I earned my master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling – the final leg of a personal life goal. After completing clinical experience and working for several years at a county agency, I opened my private practice so I could best support clients as they journey toward their own goals.
I strive to create a warm and nurturing space where clients feel safe talking about life’s challenges and triumphs. In a group setting, I facilitate discussions that help participants understand their unique strengths and learn to appreciate that what they may perceive as weaknesses (e.g., feelings, behaviors, ignorance) are actually quite common.
It would be my distinct honor to walk beside you on your journey to health and wellness.
Miri Upton